Sunday, April 22, 2012

Looking for love on Twitter?

This may be  more of a guy thing but for those that use it, and women do  use it  more  then men, it is viable option for making new connections. Now for love connections that is still to be determined.
Let me walk you through some recent exploits of mine.
The names will be not mentioned to protect the anonymous and maybe that is not their name to begin with anyways?
The first step. You know you will follow people who you think are cute or sexy.
Why not?
Next are they interesting? Are they clever? Are they passionate? Do they have  sense of humor? Do they love politics?
If so good you are off and running.
Now you can RT all you want but it is their reply from your tweets that breaks the ice.
So now it is your turn to be clever, funny, and insightful.
This is the deal maker young padeawan.
You only have 140 characters so you have to be very efficient and effective.
A great tweet will stand on its own merits.
When he or she finally replies to you that is a  good sign. If the person has like a thousand followers even  better.
Now you can  begin to get flirty and clever. Remember the mind is the most erogenous zone of the  body. It is very important to update your picture to a nice recent face picture.
Now you might really focus on her tweets and there might be a specific times of day you are  both on.
So you begin to look forward to her posts.
If you are smitten you yearn for her posts.
You check your interactions for  new followers, but you are only really interested if she if  following you.
Then the day happens..she is following you.
Ok before you begin doing somersaults at your kitchen table.
You must continue being cool and if you are online coincidentally and you interact more you move on to...
The direct message,
A very  big step to see if this possible connection has any legs.
Generally you can get extra flirty and clever here but  not too creepy because no one enjoys this when it occurs.
Being a gentleman is always the higher road to take.
If you are lucky you two might spend an hour or  more one night doing this.
This usually occurs during the week when there is no  good television on.
The DM may go on  for a few days and then  you pop the  question?
Are you on FB or gmail? Maybe we can IM there is you like?
Usually there a pause....
Ok here is my gmail.
You prefer gmail because its not as big of a commitment as FB. Gasp ! On FB she can read your posts to your real friends and can actually see your boring life and all the Grateful Dead youtube videos you post and with no comments too.
Next the chat request.
Will she accept?
If not she  does not want to move too fast or take it the next level of  actually talking in real time with you.
Folks this is a  big commitment for us these days.
If you do IM on gamil or FB you generally can  snap it into  third  gear all  cover all the basics.
Are you single?
Do you think I'm cute?
Do you enjoy sex?
Are you looking for sex?
Would you like to have sex with me?
Another long pause...
"I'm am kinda an old fashion girl"...
Ok that is cool.
Generally next you enter the break up phase, no more RTs, or DMs or even a favorite tweets on both of your parts.
When she drops following you sadly you are done.
Back to tweeting about #Obama and #Romney and those bastard on #Wallstreet you go.

"Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better."
-- William Shakespeare

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